Step 1: Download Kitty Cli from
Step 2: Extract and put this into your projects root folder
Step 3: Add the script into your packgae json (optional), you can direcly run from
node cli/kitty-cli.mjs
"generate": "node cli/kitty-cli.mjs",
QUICK DEMO (optional)
npm run generate Demo
This will generate a few files and folders inside the src/features folder with the template that I have defined delete this folder as your might need other template
Step 4: Add this propt to chat gpt along with your code to generate a json template for your code
"content": "import { useCreate{moduleName}, useUpdate{moduleName} } from \\"./action/{moduleName.toLowerCase()}.action\\";\\n\\nexport interface CreateEdit{moduleName}Props {\\n editMode?: boolean;\\n}\\n\\ntype {moduleName}Data = {\\n id: number;\\n {moduleName.toLowerCase()}_name: string;\\n address: string;\\n city: {\\n id: number;\\n city_name: string;\\n };\\n city_id: number;\\n state: {\\n id: number;\\n state_name: string;\\n };\\n state_id: number;\\n registration_number: string;\\n created_at: string;\\n updated_at: string;\\n};\\n\\nexport type {moduleName}ApiResponse = {\\n currentPage: number;\\n list: {moduleName}Data[];\\n totalCount: number;\\n totalPages: number;\\n};\\n\\nexport interface {moduleName}Payload {\\n {moduleName.toLowerCase()}_name: string;\\n address: string;\\n city_id: number;\\n state_id: number;\\n registration_number: string;\\n}\\n\\nexport type MutationApi =\\n | ReturnType<typeof useCreate{moduleName}>\\n | ReturnType<typeof useUpdate{moduleName}>;\\n"
convert the below code to a json format as mentioned above use moduleName variable where nessacary